Sure Start Children’s House – Bódvalenke

In May 2014 the Sure Start Children’s House opened in Bódvalenke that is also known as a fresco village. The institution maintained by our Charity Service is badly needed. In Bódvalenke more than half of the population are children, furthermore, twenty-eightof them have a mother who is even not older than eighteen years old so not only children go to the Children’s House to develop but also mothers.


Love Bridge

Since 2009 more and more people apply to our program “Love Bridge” year by year, both the volunteers who want to help and those who are seeking for help. The main goal of our program is that more and more people can experience: volunteering is important, moreover, every year everyone can find the most suitable type of assistance for himself/herself.


Backyard Program

Our Backyard Program is designed to connect the rural growers linked to the Church and the urban consumers without utilitarian commercial mediation. Registered growers who offer their products for sale are added to the website run by the Charity Service. Our policy is to establish trust between growers and buyers, growers receive prices for their jobs, and our common responsibility is the stewardship and the conscious concern and care about the entrusted ones – earth, water, energy, environment.


Nyilas Misi Scholarship Program

The talent is a treasure! Through our Nyilas Misi Scholarship Program talented but needy children are supported. We know not only tenacious, hard work but fortune and help is also needed to unfold the talent.


Your help is needed now!

According to our permanent programs and keeping in mind the current needs we’re continuously helping those in need. Whether it’s a disaster situation or a talent development, the generous donations are always needed!


Our social programs

Among our activities an important aspect and guideline is that we broaden the range of professional services in assistance and develop our existing programs. Besides our basic activities we think it’s important that with our work we contribute to preserve human dignity, to restore the self-esteem of individuals and families, and to reduce social exclusion and discrimination.


Donation request

The Reformed Church Aid wants to help people in need and asking for help. The donation request form can be downloaded here, and we look forward to them filled out on the email address!

Thank you for your patience by the time of reviewing the donation request!


Emergency management and international developmen

Since its establishment the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid has tried to prepare for managing emergencies. In our country – under a cooperation agreement – we work closely with the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, and so both our staff and the technical units are evolved.


Summer camp for children in need

Summer is about relaxing, playing and joy for all children. However, there are families in need whose children would never get to a camp promising exciting programs and offering real adventures, due to their financial difficulties.
