Daily small bridges

In a selfish world, where everything is measured in money, every small thing that we do for others can be very important – says Bishop József Steinbach, head patron of the Szeretethíd (Bridge of Love) program. It is the 7th time that the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid is organising the Reformed volunteer days of the Carpathian Basin. On the 16th of May more than 16 000 volunteers will be active on the Szeretethíd to help those living near it. Many artists have joined this initiative, including Dóra Szinetár and Andrea Szulák actresses, and Péter Gerendás Liszt Ferenc Award winning artist.


We are collecting coverlets!

In the temporary collection point of the [boundary crossing] of Röszke, thousands of people are still waiting, hundreds of them are children and women. Meanwhile, the dawns and nights are cold, the immigrants still do not have nor mattresses, neither coverlets. From the next week, the Charity Service goes to Röszke with mobile medical vehicles, besides we also would like to help the people with coverlets.


Children camp in Levelek

In August, the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid organised a camp in the village of Levelek with the participation of almost 50 children.


Hungarian guarding traditions talent seeker, Fölszállott a Páva for youths

More than seventy juvenile Ruthenian „tradition-guard” took part of the Hungarian folk music and dance talent seeker, Fölszállott a páva. Children between age of six and fourteen were helped by the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid. A documentary filmed the journey from the war-stroked Ukraine to the selecting stage at Budapest. It will be shown at Duna Television on Sunday from 13:15 – watch it if you can!


Week of joy at Levelek

Magyar Református Szeretet Szolgálat (Hungarian Reformed Church Aid) organized a camp at settlement of Levelek. Camp was during 22-28. August and 48 children took part..


Sustainable reduce of utility costs in Bódvalenke

At last in the cooperation of the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid “Bódvalenke-Freskófalu” project and the Romaversitas “Fényhozók” (Light makers/bringers), in a disadvantaged small region village, the sustainable reduce of utilities can come true: in nearly all houses of Bódvalenke, solar batteries will provide the lighting.


MRSZ help in the refugee camp of Debrecen

The Hungarian Reformed Church Aid will provide medical service in the BÁH refugee camp of Debrecen. The organisation with the Charity Council’s member organisations joining forces, and with cross-checking the structured, reasonable commitments, will provide medical sevice for the residentials of the refugee camp in Debrecen from the 1st of August.


Festivities of Bódvalenke 2015

In the beginning of August, The Hungarian Reformrd Church Aid plans to have the traditional event of gypsy culture and art within the confines of project ‘Bódvalenke-freskófalu’ which previously was named ‘Sárkány ünnep örömünnep’ and was created to celebrate the Hungarian and gypsy arts and culture. However the name of the program was changed but its purpose remained: to show others that gypsy and non-gypsy people are able to live together in their colorful cultures in peace in spite of their poor and socially challenged conditions.



The young talented children from Sub-Carpathia come to Budapest

This Saturday, the 30th May 70 children from Sub-Carpathia arrive in Budapest, who based on their talent shown in folkmusic and folkdance were admitted to the territorial selection round of the talent competition “The peacock flew up” (Fölszállott a páva). The Hungarian Calvinist Charity Service enables the children beyond the border the visit to Budapest.
