IBAN HU67 1070 2019 8500 8898 5110 0005 SWIFT Code CIBH HU HB TAX Number 18196913-1-41
The charity service of the Hungarian Reformed Church helps those fleeing the war in Ukraine. Anyone can support the humanitarian aid program by calling the donation line 1358, or via our website www.adomany.jobbadni.hu, and by money transfer to the bank account number of the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid.
Since the outbreak of the Ukrainian-Russian war, hundreds of thousands of people have fled from Ukraine to Hungary, including many Transcarpathian Hungarians. The Hungarian Reformed Church Aid was among the first organization to mobilise its staff and volunteers to provide immediate assistance to those fleeing the armed fighting. Our foundation has been helping refugees with food, hygiene kits, information, spiritual support and shelter. Charity Service staff and volunteers have so far provided assistance in 29 locations across the country.
Since the beginning of this humanitarian crisis, our organization has provided tens of millions of Hungarian Forints worth of durable supplies of food and sanitary products to those suffering from armed struggle. Also we provided emergency aid packets to those who remained in Transcarpathia. Our donations have reached approximately 461 tonnes, of which 280 tonnes of durable food delivered to Transcarpathia, we have been able to provide shelter for around 7,000 people and we have helped over 200 000 times at our points of presence.
You can help too, here is how:
You can help the humanitarian aid program of the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid in the following ways:
The greatest demand is for a temporary accomodating place, so the organization asks everyone who can provide accommodation to contact the Charity Service at karpataljaert@jobbadni.hu.
Donation line: 1358 (all calls and SMS represent HUF 500 support)
Online donation: www.adomany.jobbadni.hu
Additional donations are expected from the bank account number of the charity service:
Domestic reference: CIB 10702019-85008898-51100005 (Notice: National Co-operation).
In case of donation from abroad:
IBAN: HU67 1070 2019 8500 8898 5110 0005
Bank name: CIB BANK LTD.
Bank address: H-1027 Budapest, Medve u. 4-14.
Material offers
Donations of durable food, toiletries and cleaning products are welcome at the warehouses of Hungarian Reformed Church Aid (Budapest, Debrecen-Ebes, Gelénes), but please contact karpataljaert@jobbadni.hu to arrange your donation in advance, and for information on the exact address and opening hours of the warehouses.
More information: www.jobbadni.hu/ukrajna
Thank you very much for supporting our ministry with your donation!
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