Nyilas Misi Scholarship Program
The talent is a treasure! Through our Nyilas Misi Scholarship Program talented but needy children are supported. We know not only tenacious, hard work but fortune and help is also needed to unfold the talent.
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The talent is a treasure! Through our Nyilas Misi Scholarship Program talented but needy children are supported. We know not only tenacious, hard work but fortune and help is also needed to unfold the talent.
In the academic year 2015/2016 our Nyilas Misi Scholarship Program will be launched in a rethought, reorganized, expanded and open application system and with an independent professional jury.
Socially disadvantaged 5-12. grade students (10 year-old but not yet 18 year-old) participating in the Hungarian education in Hungary and across the border, highly talented in any draughtsmanship (music, dramatics, fine arts, cinematics, dance), in any kind of sports (individual, team), or in natural history, liberal arts (Hungarian language and literaure, foreign language, mathematics, history, biology, physics, chemistry, geography, IT) can submit their application in order to get support for their talent.
Available support is 5000 HUF/person/month for the academic year 2015/16 (10 months). Thee non-refundable aid is paid by bank transfer.
Regarding the use of support the applicant can use it for improvement – membership fee in an association, equipment rental, tutorial support (in school if the school doesn’t provide it for free; private lessons), competition entry fee, travel expenses, gig/performance/play.
Way of submission of the application: via this website (http://legyenfolytatas.jobbadni.hu/).
The official date of submission of the application depends on the area that overlaps in some cases due to better transparency and easier processing of applications received.
Deadline of submission from Hungary, Slovakia: 15-29. September 2015
Deadline of submission from Ukraine, Croatia: 22. September 2015 – 6. October 2015
Deadline of submission from Romania, Serbia: 30. September 2015 – 14. October 2015
For more information: Zsófia Fejér, program coordinator.
Tel: +3630/303-8051
Email: osztondij@jobbadni.hu
Our goal is to create an opportunity for the youth to unfold their talents and achieve their goals. Can the applicant be an athlete or an artist, excellent in maths or a to-be chemist – we will appreciate and support the talent! To be continued!
By donating you can contribute to realization of dreams of needy but talented children!
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