The latest help already at the customs
In the collaboration of several charity organizations – including the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid – a valuable help aid has set off to the Carpathian Mountains.
Permanent assistance for the immigrants
The weekend did not go by eventlessly for the Hungarian Reformed Charity Service. With our permament presence we tried to help the immigrants who came to our country.
The last day without closed boundary in Röszke
We were there. We helped. And we will go back.
Daily small bridges
In a selfish world, where everything is measured in money, every small thing that we do for others can be very important – says Bishop József Steinbach, head patron of the Szeretethíd...
We are collecting coverlets!
In the temporary collection point of the [boundary crossing] of Röszke, thousands of people are still waiting, hundreds of them are children and women. Meanwhile, the dawns and nights...
Children camp in Levelek
In August, the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid organised a camp in the village of Levelek with the participation of almost 50 children.
The Hungarian Reformed Church Aid goes to the Croatian...
In order to help immigrants on the Croatian boundary, the MRSZ delivers food, polifoams, coverlets and hygienic pockets to Zákány. We will also be in service on the following days and...
Nyilas Misi Scholarship Program – application had closed down
Altogether 406 competition arrived from six nations (Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Ukraine, Serbia and Croatia) after closing down application term on 14th October. Most competitors are...
Hungarian guarding traditions talent seeker, Fölszállott a Páva for...
More than seventy juvenile Ruthenian „tradition-guard” took part of the Hungarian folk music and dance talent seeker, Fölszállott a páva. Children between age of six and fourteen...
Week of joy at Levelek
Magyar Református Szeretet Szolgálat (Hungarian Reformed Church Aid) organized a camp at settlement of Levelek. Camp was during 22-28. August and 48 children took part..
Sustainable reduce of utility costs in Bódvalenke
At last in the cooperation of the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid “Bódvalenke-Freskófalu” project and the Romaversitas “Fényhozók” (Light makers/bringers), in a...
MRSZ help in the refugee camp of Debrecen
The Hungarian Reformed Church Aid will provide medical service in the BÁH refugee camp of Debrecen. The organisation with the Charity Council’s member organisations joining forces,...
Festivities of Bódvalenke 2015
In the beginning of August, The Hungarian Reformrd Church Aid plans to have the traditional event of gypsy culture and art within the confines of project ‘Bódvalenke-freskófalu’...
Current conditions of Röszke
The Hungarian Reformed Church Aid helps immigrants arriving to Röszke with mobil camps. On Friday, we had a really hard day.
Collective beautifying of the schoolgarden in Kisgéres – Stories...
Last Friday and Saturday was the Lovebridge-Program, in the frame of which more than 16 thousand volunteers carried out different tasks within and outside the borders – they beautified...