Backyard Program
Our Backyard Program is designed to connect the rural growers linked to the Church and the urban consumers without utilitarian commercial mediation. Registered growers who offer their products for sale are added to the website run by the Charity Service. Our policy is to establish trust between growers and buyers, growers receive prices for their jobs, and our common responsibility is the stewardship and the conscious concern and care about the entrusted ones – earth, water, energy, environment.
Who and what do we help?
- We help consumers to buy Hungarian food with good quality from Hungarian growers, from reliable sources.
- We want to help congregation affiliated growers to find a market.
- We help to retain the profit so the rural job opportunities remain.
- The Backyard fairs create opportunities for sales.
Application conditions for growers:
- 1. pastoral recommendation
- 2. grower certification
- 3. contact information: name, address, telephone number, email address
- 4. name of the product offered for sale, selling venue.
Purchase conditions of goods:
The purchase will be created based on an agreement between the grower and the consumer. The Charity Service doesn’t examine the goods and doesn’t assume responsibility for them, as well as doesn’t guarantee delivery either. Operators of the Backyard Program don’t assume responsibility for food safety.
Application of growers, registration and more information about the program:
A Plentiful Year – Seed Program
Donating good quality seeds for families, local governments, minority local governments who are willing to bring self-care to the foreground, to grow healthy vegetables for themselves and for the community, and to re-learn the forgotten little garden cultivation. As much as possible we provide professional counseling besides the seeds and tools.
Fruit trees in the parsonages
Facilitating the planting of Hungarian indigenous fruit trees in order to utilize the parsonages and church gardens. In the first two months of the year congregations can apply to the program to take the offered seedlings after proper preparation in October.
Forum of viticulturists and winemakers from the Carpathian Basin
In February 2014 the Forum held its first conference in Sárospatak. Since then the viticulturists and winemakers met in Mór and Bihardiószeg (Romania). Our goal is that the Reformed farmers living in historic wine regions know each other, professional and friendly relations form. With wine-making competitions we want to facilitate the sale and the qualitative wine-making. The winning wines can possess the award “Wine of the Charity Service” for a year.