A five-member Board of Trustees which meets several times a year controls and manages the work of the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid. The Hungarian Reformed Church Synod assigned its members from the four Reformed dioceses in Hungary.

Board of Trustees

Károly Czibere
Chairman of the Board
Gábor Gere pastor
Board member
Gábor Gere pastorBudapest1959. augusztus 29.


A Debrecen- Nagytemplomi Református Egyházközség lelkésze

Dr. Csaba Kálmán pastor
Board member
Péter Kiss pastor
Board member
Gábor Bezzegh pastor
Board member

Supervisory body

The supervisory body oversees the operation and management of the Foundation, which reports annually to the Synod of the Reformed Church in Hungary.

Bishop Dániel Pásztor
Bishop of the Reformed Church District of Tiszaninnen, Member of the Supervisory Board
Imre Bor
President of the Supervisory Board
Lajos Őz
Member of the Supervisory Board
Barnabás Szőke
Member of the Supervisory Board
Dániel Victor
Member of the Supervisory Board


Currently, the Hungarian Reformed Charity Service Foundation has approximately 150 employees who carry out charity work in various parts of the country. The operational management of our foundation is provided by the Executive Director, with the support of industry leaders, program managers, coordinators and staff who bring together the disciplines.

Gábor Nagy
Viktória Katona
Deputy managing director
Juhász Márton
Director of Service Development
Andrea Szögi
Head of Human Resources
Kinga Szilágyi
Head of Donation Coordination and Social Development
András Csépke
Head of Humanitarian Crisis Management
Lívia Böröcz
Head of Settlement Integration
Zsófia Dobis-Lucski
Head of Communication