Permanent assistance for the immigrants
The weekend did not go by eventlessly for the Hungarian Reformed Charity Service. With our permament presence we tried to help the immigrants who came to our country.
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The weekend did not go by eventlessly for the Hungarian Reformed Charity Service. With our permament presence we tried to help the immigrants who came to our country.
And we still help them. We provide gynaelogical provision permanently in the host camp of Debrecen and provide children occasions twice a week – besides, we give our help for immigrants who are currently Budapest or on the way. Between 4 and 6 of September, the Charity Service gave every day 1000 sandwiches , hundreds of fastly eatable food (chocolate, muesli, biscuits), water, hygienic accessories and diapers for the immigrants in the transit zone of the East Railway Station. In the evening, we were following a group by almost 1000 people in the stopping trail of the M1 autoway who were walking towards Austria and gave them hygenic accessories, food and water. Regarding to the current humanitarian situation, we are permanently paying attention to the events and adapt to the current needs.
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