On Friday, thousands of immigrants arrived to Hungary. The exhausted, shivering people were continuously coming to the collection point in small and large groups. The Hungarian Reformed Church Aid helped the provision of these people in the collection point in coordination with the local charity services. We gave food, water, mueslis and high-calorie biscuits for almost 1500 immigrants. Lots of elders availed themselves of our temporary resting place. In the afternoon, a huge amount of people arrived to Röszke within a short time, and after it we had to do our job in a forced tempo.

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Our work was helped by Arabic and Pastu interpreters. In the evening the police was not able to deliver people from the area continuously – moreover, one part of the immigrants was protesting by closing the ways – thus almost 1000 people had to stay in the collection point for the night. We supplied them with coverlets, mattrasses and warm clothes. Furthermore, we provided the children with clothes, sleeping bags and baby accessories (nursing bottles, infant nutrition, diapers and vitamins). Until evening, the Austrian Charity’s donation (coverlets and pillows) arrived by bus, which we used urgently for the accomodation of the people. Currently the temperature is near 14 degrees and it isn’t raining but the whole area is covered with mud – because of the serious rainfall of the previous week – and trash, so the hygienic conditions are really poor. Most children arrive with respiratory problems and adults are also exhausted and suffer cold. We are still waiting waiting for donations – coverlets, mattrasses and children clothes are especially needed. Our foundation foundation also help policemen – who do their job patiently and professionally – with sandwiches and energy drinks.