Here follow two summaries about the Lovebridge-Program form 29-30May 2015.

Collective beautifying of the schoolgarden in Kisgéres

The pupils and the teachers started the last day of the schoolweek with the reading of I Corinthians vers 13 in the frame of the Lovebridge-Program of 2015. After that in the morning they visited the 86-year-old pensioned teacher of the school. The children listened to the teacher’s stories, experiences about the old schoollife, pupils and teaching interestedly. Then they planted fruittrees and bushes in the schoolgarden and tidied around the school and on the sportfield. The pupils carried out the tasks enthusiastically and with discipline. They think back with thanks in their hearts on the lot of wonders and love of this day.

Written by Zsuzsanna Asszonyi

Body and soul moving volunteers in the elderly people’s home at Batthyány Square

The Biblestudy group from Thursday was in the elderly people’s home at Batthyány Square. After the singing, Bible reading and prayer they gave self-made cards with Bible verses on them as presents to the inhabitants of the home. The occasion was made more colorful by the gymnastic-exercises in sitting lead by Éva Bethlen, who joined the group by herself and the home-made sweets brought by the guests. It was a pleasure the serve the Lord together, and it was a specially great pleasure, that both among the servers and the inhabitants of the home there were siblings from other congregations.

Written by Zsuzsa Csenki

Further articles can be read on the homepage of the Lovebridge-Program.