In 2017, our charity service established a Transcarpathian Coordination Office. We provide tens of millions of forints annually in the poorest regions of Transcarpathia inhabited by Hungarians.
Support for educational institutions
In the Transcarpathian part of the successful and extremely popular kindergarten program of the Carpathian Basin, we provide kindergarten furniture, developmental toys and food. In addition, we support the 4 Lyceum maintained by the Transcarpathian Reformed Church (Nagydobrony, Nagybereg, Tivadarfalva, Técső) with equipment, furniture and durable food.
Summer camping
For years, our organization has supported the summer camps of 150 children living in extreme poverty in three dioceses (Rát, Balazsér, Aklihegy). In summer camps, we place great emphasis on developing the children’s awareness of the Hungarians and their Christian faith, as well as developing skills, abilities and skills.
School bags and school supplies
Many Transcarpathian families have difficulty in educating children. The purchase of bags, textbooks, brochures and writing aids in the fall will put a heavy burden on the family budget, especially for large families. It is also a great help for many to receive a school bag that has become redundant but is still usable. In Transcarpathia, in 2019, we gave nearly 100 school children in need with a school bag and delivered school supplies to nearly a thousand school children.
Support for orphans and children with disabilities and young adults
Institutions for orphaned children (Samuel Foundation, Nagydobronyi Merciful Samaritan Children’s Home, Forgotten Children Program) are constantly supported with food, clothing, toys, medical aids and educational tools.
The drastic increase in the number of children with disabilities is currently a huge challenge in Transcarpathia, as the state institutions there are not at all built and equipped for the education and development of children. Our strategic partner in the field is the Nefelejcs Development Center in Mezővári and Harangláb.
Health promotion
We are constantly supporting Transcarpathian health institutions, social institutions, NGOs and individuals with health and consumables.
The Transcarpathian host rescue program
With the leaders of the local Hungarians, we consider it an extremely important aspect that the farmers choose to stay, to sow, to look, instead of moving, escaping, giving up. Since 2010, we have delivered tens of millions of forints of high-quality seeds and fertilizers to farmers through support from major domestic seed distributors and members of the Chamber of Agriculture.